The Pilot Balloon or Ceiling Balloon is a small elastic balloon with a maximum payload of 30g and is used as a carrier for pilot probes in the lower atmospheric layers. With Pilot Balloons u. a. the determination of the wind direction, the wind speed and the cloud height in the base layer are carried out. In addition, the Pilot Balloon can be left on a string to conduct low-cost experiments inexpensively. The Pilot Balloon weighs 30g, has an average height of 11 kilometers at an average climbing speed of 3-4m/s and is available in a red signal color.
Datasheet Weather Balloon (PDF)
Note: Due to the minimal carrying weight, pilot balloons are not suitable for stratospheric flights! They are only used for meteorological purposes or for experiments with a minimum weight (max. 30g) in the school playground.
K.H. –
Als Amateurfunker haben wir den Ballon für einen kleinen APRS-Sender genutzt. Hat alles prima geklappt.